Thursday, May 7, 2009


When I first gave my life to Christ, I understood what I was doing. I realized that all of the old things of my life, that displeased God, would have to go away. Only later did I realize that this is the work of God. In my ignorance I ran into one stumbling block that I tripped on again and again, but could not understand why. God had forgiven my sins, I could accept that, but I could not forgive myself.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) KJV

I was stuck with the thought that I am still not good enough. I thought the verse read: For God so loved the world, except for me. That whosoever, except for me. That was a lie of the devil! That lie made me try to do things in my own strength for the longest time. I was miserable. One thing I know about God that is very true. He is patient. He was very patient with me until I realized my true identity in Christ. I never shared this until now with anyone, except my wife. I was truly embarrassed about it. It has not been that many years since I learned to forgive myself as God forgave me.

There is no sin so big that God cannot handle. You will not surprise Him. Why would He be surprised that sinners commit sin? The repentant heart is beautiful to God. God can work with a soul that accepts His terms. Read this verse again. These are God's terms! How can we add to something that is already perfect? When a person comes to God and sincerely acknowledges their sin, and asks Jesus to come into their heart, He forgives. You should forgive as well. I still have no idea why this is what I was supposed to share with you today. I do feel a strong need to share it though.

Father, I thank you for the salvation that you offer through Christ. I thank you for teaching me how to forgive others the way that you have forgiven me. I thank you that you have also taught me how to forgive myself. I pray that others will not have the same difficulty with this as I did. If they do Lord, be merciful to them and do not let them give up on themselves. Teach them your love and your truth. I praise you for this in the name of Jesus, Amen.


  1. I do think a lot of people wonder whether or not God has forgiven them. You are right there is no sin so big that God can't handle.He is full of mercy and grace.

  2. Thanks Kay. I almost used Heb.7:25 for the scripture reference for this post. Because when God forgives, He forgives to the uttermost. The assurance of salvation is a fact based on scripture to those that truly receive Christ. I was just wrapped up in feelings for a long time. Thank you for your faithfulness in coming by.

  3. I think a lot of us struggle with forgiveness. I know I do. When I was going through a particularly bad time a couple of winters ago I went to my priest seeking absolution. I felt so much better after this meeting. Once you receive God's forgiveness the challenge is to forgive yourself and others.

  4. It is wonderful to be able to give up those doubts and fears and finally let them go. It was for me. I am glad that you are doing better with that now Laura. It is so wonderful to be able to go to God with anything that troubles us. He is so faithful! I really appreciate you coming by today! I hope that this day exceeds your best expectations! God bless you.

  5. The biggest lie from Satan I had believed, even after I was saved and throughout my youth was that God made me unlovable and defective. I am so glad the Word of Truth sets us free.

  6. Satan is pretty good at the lying bit. He has been at it for a long time. I thank God that His truth prevailed in both of our situations. He is truly a loving and merciful God! I thank you for coming by today.

  7. I praise the Lord for forgiveness through grace through the blood of Jesus Christ!
    Your Daily Word

  8. Grace through the blood is all that we have when we really get down to it. Everything else will go away. God provided a Lamb for all of us through Jesus. I am so thankful for that! The love He has for us never ceases to amaze me! Thanks for your comments and you have a blessed day!
